Girish Mohan

Research Assistant at NCBS-TIFR

About Me

Hi there, I’m Girish, an Information Technology major. I’m interested in the fascinating area that lies at the intersection of machine learning and neuroscience. I am convinced that a better understanding of the brain will lead to designing models that are truly ‘intelligent’.


National Center for Biological Sciences

Research Assistant

March 2021 - Present

Worked with Dr. Upinder Bhalla and our colleagues at NIMHANS on the development of a neuroinformatics platform and curation of a database to study the structual and functional changes due to mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, addiction and dementia.


Software Developer

Jan 2020 - July 2020

As part of the Planning and Analytics team at the IBM Chief Information office, I was actively involved in the analysis and validation of data cubes across multiple scales.

Indian Institute of Science

Summer Research Intern

May 2019 - July 2019

Worked at the Spectrum Lab, under the guidance of Dr. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula, on Sparse Independent Component Analysis for source separation in Neural Signals. During my time at the lab I implemented ICA algorithms on an EEG dataset to obtain the independent components and detect artifacts. I also had the chance to participate in BCL 2019 workshop which helped me consolidate my interests.

Team SolarMobil

Telemetry Engineer

January 2018 - October 2019

SolarMobil is a student team from Manipal Institute of Technology that aims to fabricate a solar electric vehicle with a focus on practicality and feasibility. I was part of the team that successfully launched the SM-S1 and SM-S2 prototypes. My responsibilities included calibration of sensors, wiring inside the vehicle, and data visualization and monitoring of data transmitted from the sensors mounted on the solar powered car. To serve this purpose, a cloud based android application for remote monitoring and a pyQT interface on the dashboard was developed. Data sampled by the sensors is transmitted to Raspberry Pi through CAN protocol after application of filters like Kalman and median filters to reduce noise. The car is equipped with internet through GSM modules to store data in cloud. I integrated a reverse guidence system with Raspberry Pi and camera.

SolarMobil is the first student led Indian team to fabricate a successful solar powered prototype. The prototype was awarded the first position in ASME Student Contest and third place at Inter-University Contest.

Chella Soft

Software Developer Intern

May 2018 - June 2018

During my time at Chella Software I worked as part of an agile team building our own in house web based software and also a large scale website for an international client. I gained experience working with a continuous integration workflow using tools such as Jenkins. I worked on building the front-end using Angular. Towards the end of my time at Chella Software I was introduced to Hibernate ORM and Nodejs.


Manipal Institute of Technology

B.Tech, Information Technology

2016 - 2020

Majored in Information Technology with a minor in Computational Mathematics and a bag full of experience in organising and managing college fests to technical development through working in teams like SolarMobil and the Editorial Board.

While at Manipal I spent a lot of my free time with the Cycling society. I spent two years on the committee as a treasurer. During this time I initiated a Cyclothon event which has then gone on to become an annual event in Manipal.

A Little More About Me

When I’m not at my desk I am very active and spend most of my time outdoors. During my time at Uni I have become a very keen marathoner. In 2018 I participated in my first half-marathon and completed it in sub two hours. In the rest of my free time you will either find me working on my bikes, playing at one of Manipal’s basketball courts or down the football field.